Joey-n has received her stitch markers I made for her in the Woolaholics "swap. So now I can show them off here.
I have never made them before, after asking some questions at the shop, I picked out what I wanted.
Loved the silver hearts with the pink bead on them. Had trouble getting the heart to sit properly and after swapping and changing the beads/heart around, I can up with these.
Took me all of Days Of Our Lives and Judge Judy to get the first one made.
I prettied up a craft bag for them to be stored in and into the mail they went.
I've heard from Joey and she's pleased with them.
My stitch markers came from Kelli and aren't they just FAB TAB??? I love how they are all able to be stored in the little bag. The pictures are on both sides and the little black cat is so cute. I think they are all cute and will love using them with my knitting.
Thanks so much Kelli.
Until next time....hoo roo
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Stitch Marker Swap
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Four Blocks Knitted
This project is by far the most enjoyable I have done in a long time. Just can't get over how using 3 balls of different colourway has given me 4 different blocks.
While out shopping yesterday I picked up another 5 balls of this colourway.
Picked these up at Spotlight at $2.99 a ball. I was told by one woman a few weeks back, this was going to be sold for $6.00 a ball. Still no price on the wire baskets and so I decided to see if they would match Kmart's price. Imagine my delight when I was told they sell the yarn at $2.99 a ball.
So I picked up 5 balls that visit and will buy more next fortnight.
One thing I will be learning with the Lizard Ridge is how to block. Never done this and I am guessing to get the best affective result on the eye, it'll need blocking.
Already planning on knitting a Lizard Ridge for Amy, so I'll just keep collecting a few balls each payday.
Until next time....hoo roo
technorati tags: lizard ridge, vintage hue
Thursday, November 20, 2008
While Your Knitting.
Last night when I started knitting my Lizard Ridge I set "the scene" for knitting.
Learning a new pattern, I like to have the TV on with a DVD playing quietly in the background. Usually one I have watched enough, that I don't need to watch it, just listen. I find this to be relaxing for me as I get accustomed to a new pattern or technique.
Gone With The Wind kept me company as I started the afghan.
Do you have a special place where you like to knit or start a new project?
At times I also will stay up late into the night, to finish off an item. Just can't put it down, have to see what it looks like. Even been known to wake Pat up and show off the finished item.
Knitting can take over your life and drive you nuts....... great isn't it?
My cat Lucky has a wool fetish and loves winter time. She loves to snuggle up to Pat or myself when we have a pure wool knit on. I can see a few fights over my Lizard Ridge when it's finished.
Lizard Ridge Started
After fart arsing round last night I finally got to start my Lizard Ridge. The pattern is easier than what I thought it was going to be and in my first night I managed to knit half a block.
Very pleased with the look of the block. I can see this taking over my life and I must remember not to neglect my other UFOs.
I am wondering how it would go knitted in 8 ply as I have a pile of different colourways of green and cream yarn for a different blanket. Somehow I have lost interest in that style of blanket.....thank goodness I haven't started it yet.
Until next time....hoo roo
technorati tags: lizard ridge, vintage hues
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Two More Dishcloths
Due to there being a failed holdup and the robber being killed by police in the street next to us, I didn't start my Lizard Ridge last night.
Police were everywhere and we weren't allowed outside our houses. Very scary and very full on here.
So I finished off my pink dishcloth and tidied up Amy's as well. Just couldn't get myself to settle enough to look at the pattern.
Until next time....hoo roo technorati tags: dishcloths
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Blue Ruffled Booties Pattern
Melissa asked me where I sourced the pattern for those little pink & blue ruffled booties I knitted up.
It's from a book that I was given to me when mum died back in 1994. I inherited all my mum's knitting books & needles. So it is an old pattern book. So old it doesn't have an IBN number.
I popped a scan of the book cover up to help you Melissa and other people who are interested in this booties pattern.
Melissa if you have problems finding the pattern, email me at my ducksrus address and I help you out.
From now on, when I start a pattern from one of my books, I'll pop as much info as possible with the cover to help you ID the book.
These little booties have attracted some attention here and on the knitting forums I post in.
Until next time....hoo roo
technorati tags: baby booties, baby patterns, knitting boots
Lizard Ridge
For a long time, so long I can't remember when I first saw this pattern and fell in love with the whole idea of knitting one for myself.
I would often visit the websites that had photos of it and dream about me kitting it as well.
Dream no more. For today that dream has become reality.
Lizard Ridge is the pattern I have been drooling over.
I have picked vintage hue yarn to knit the afghan with. Fell in love with this yarn even more so when I saw it in the shops. Pays to look round when pricing the yarn as Spotlight was double the price of Kmart. Some of the yarn is on layby and will be picked up in the next few weeks.
Feeling very excited and at some part over whelmed that I can actually able to cast on. Going to have a good read of the pattern and jump in feet first.
Until next time....hoo roo
technorati tags: vintage hue, lizard ridge
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Fairy Floss Coat Finished
Finally finished the little coat yesterday. I have spent countless hours today, sewing it together. I think I knitted the sleeves quicker than what I sewed the coat up.
This coat is for sale and if not sold before the stall next year, I'll sell it there.
Close up of the lace pattern and picot edging.
Very proud of this little coat and I am sure it'll make a mum & dad very happy to see their baby wearing it.
Knitted in 4 ply Patons Dreamtime pure wool. Taking 2.5 balls of 50 gram wool.
Until next time....hoo roo
technorati tags: 4 ply wool, baby jacket
Thursday, November 13, 2008
White Ruffled Booties
This afternoon, I was able to sew up and finish off the white ruffled baby booties. These are the same as the pink ruffles I knitted early this month.
Pat took this photo of me sewing up the booties. I needed a light as babies wool and 2 different colours sewn together.... needs all the help it can get.
Used Pat's macro lens to show you the seam join of the booties. I don't usually pat myself on the back in public, but I will here.
Just so stoked and proud of my sewing efforts when it comes to my knitting. I take a lot of pride in my knitting. Just wanted to show the sewing side off to you.
Not bad for someone who refuses to sew buttons on her shorts and uses safety pins instead.
Finished booties. These will either be given to a baby boy when I meet him or the stall Debbie & I are having next year.
Enjoying these quick knits I have been knitting lately.
Until next time....hoo roo technorati tags: 3 ply wool, baby booties, wool
For Amy
Our daughter Amy moves out in 6 weeks and I want to give her a fun house warming gift. Four hand made dish cloths will remind her of me as she washes her and Ben's dishes.
Starfish was knitted up last night watching a DVD and tidied up this morning. I used some cotton yarn that was sent to me.
Very easy to knit and looks "funky" as Amy would say.
Pattern can be found over on Ravelry
I am enjoying the idea of looking at yarn in my "left over" knitting box and using some of it up.
Until next time....hoo roo
technorati tags: cotton thread, dishcloth
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Outside My Square
Have you ever thought to step out of your square? I don't do it all that often and when I do.....I think why didn't I do this earlier?
Over on woolaholics we are having a "stitch marker" swap and I was nervous about joining in, as I haven't ever done anything with beads before.
But I thought, why not give it a try and I added my name to the swap.
On Tuesday while in the city I had a look for some beads and came away with some goodies.
I have a couple of photos of the completed stitch markers and after my swapper has them, I'll post the photos.
Look what Pat found for me...... a set of 5 pliers with girlie coloured handles and a container for keeping my beads safe in.
Took me a bit to make my first stitch marker (thank goodness the bags of beads came with extras) After a couple of trial markers and learning I can do this, I had fun.
First marker took all of Days Of Our Lives and 15 mins of Judge Judy to make. The rest fell into place.
I think I have another craft passion
Until next time....hoo roo
Friday, November 7, 2008
Just For Fun.
Last night after I finished the Jaywalker sock off, I tried to start the second one. Gave up after a couple of attempts to get it started. Couldn't for the life of me, get past the first few rows.
Figured if I was going to sit and watch TV I could knit something for fun.
Squidge dish cloth, over on Ravelry was the one I picked, to use up some spare cotton that was sent to me early this year.
I made mine more rectangle than square, measuring 18 cm X 27 cm.
I was looking through the left over yarns in the "left over yarn" knitting box and found some 3 ply blue baby wool. So figured I'd knit a blue pair of ruffled booties as well.
Just going to amble from 1 project to another for a while. Rather than the UFO's that are looking at me, each time I go into the lounge room.
Until next time....
technorati tags: cotton thread, dishcloths
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Oops says it all.
Where my finger is pointing, is where the turn of the heel ended up. Not sure how I came to think the toe was the next step (pardon the pun)
in completing the sock.
You can see the top of the sock also isn't running evenly around my leg, due to the heel being out of place.
I have just finished frogging the toe and putting the stitches back onto the 4 DPN needles.
When I went to bed last night, I told Pat what had happened and I so wanted to sort the mistake out last night. But I knew better, as I was tired and annoyed that I didn't check the heel area better.
Otherwise I am very happy with how the sock is turning out.
Oh well, we learn from our mistakes.
Until next time....hoo roo
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Pink Ruffle Booties
A friend emailed me the other day, to say she's a first time Granny. Her eldest daughter delivered a beautiful healthy baby girl.
Nothing like a good reason to break out the booties patterns and pick one to knit.
Took me 2 days to knit these, while still doing the normal house hold things and going to the specialist with Pat.
First time I have knitted a ruffled set of booties. This is a 3 ply pattern and I knitted with Patons "Dreamtime" wool.
Finished and ready to be posted to the proud new parents with a card.
Until next time....hoo roo
technorati tags: 3 ply wool, baby booties
Monday, November 3, 2008
Jaywalker Update
Took this photo myself and the angle could have been a bit better. Any hoooow.
Oh I am just so in love with the pattern of this sock. Just the whole style of this sock and the way the zig-zag is...has me so excited. Already planning my next pair and thinking of a hot pink colour way.
I'm not overly keen on high leg socks and I tend to look for ankle socks at the shops. So this pair I can see being picked from the sock draw first, every time.
Lurv it......just lurv it
Until next time....hoo roo